Inside the Sweep Sound Editor
Conrad Parker
August 2001
This paper outlines the development of new features in the sound editor
Sweep. These new features, and similar requirements of other applications,
motivated the development of a new audio sequencing and mixing library,
Axel. This paper briefly describes Axel and the implementation of new Sweep
features using this library.
1 Motivation
Sweep is a sound file editing application [1].
The core features include
the basic editing operations of cut, copy, paste and splice with
discontinuous selections, the ability to import standard
LADSPA[2] effects plugins and a native plugin format for custom
operations such as selecting sound regions by loudness threshold.
The original design goal of Sweep was to make a sound editor with
similar interaction style to popular image editors such as the
This would entail features such as layered editing, some notion of
``transparency'', and the ability to grab and move selected regions of sound.
An initial attempt to implement these features directly in Sweep was made,
however it soon became apparent that the code was growing
with unnecessary complexity and that similar code was being rewritten to
perform many different operations as outlined below.
1.1 Simple editing
Editing in Sweep operates on discontinuous selections, whereby a collection
of small regions in a sound can be simultaneously cut out and then pasted
elsewhere, or spliced into another sound. Thus the editing code in Sweep
contained functions to merge, mix and splice lists with many small regions
of sound.
1.2 Multiple layers with transparency
Layering provides the user with the ability to independently work on
different aspects of a sound with some notion of occlusion or fading
between them. For example, one could extract the high frequency components
of a sound into a separate layer, which can then be enhanced and shifted
in time before mixed back down into the original sound.
The introduction of layering required the coding of routines to mix
layers, and to maintain synchronisation between layers during editing.
These layers were designed to be able to each accommodate sparse collections
of sound.
1.3 Floating selections
A floating selection, in the language of image editors, is essentially a
special layer above all others in which the selected region exists. The
floating selection can be interactively moved by the user.
Thus, the implementation of floating selections required the ability to
translate layers relative to each other.
1.4 Manipulation of large files
The initial releases of Sweep read an entire sound file into memory. This
was clearly inefficient, especially as users were wanting to edit files
of around 50MB (a 5 minute WAV file at CD quality).
Typically, a user might load up a 5 minute song file only to edit out a
small section of silence at the beginning or end, to crop part of the
file out or to apply an effect to a short region of it. For these operations
it is not necessary to keep a copy of the entire file in memory, thus an
obvious optimisation is to only store modified regions in memory and
to read unchanged data off disk as needed.
1.5 Non-destructive editing
A similar request from users was the ability to perform non-destructive
editing, in which many edits can be performed without touching the data
on disk. However for large edits, and for persistence between editing
sessions, this requires the paging and storage of modified regions on disk.
1.6 Editing of compressed files
Compressed file formats such as MP3[4] and Ogg Vorbis[5]
are extremely popular and allow a 5 minute recording to occupy only a few
megabytes. For small edits, it would be desirable to be able to work with
compressed files without decompressing the entire file.
1.7 Parameter envelopes
Effects plugins such as those of LADSPA typically provide a number of
parameters for the user to set, such as the desired depth of a
reverberation or the cutoff frequency of a low-pass filter. Sweep already
handled these by providing the user with a dialog to set parameter
values when applying an effect, but it would be more interesting to allow
the user to define a line or curve describing how each parameter should
change over time. For example, rather than simply muffling a sound by
applying a low pass filter with a particular cutoff frequency, the filter
can be ``opened up'' over time to slowly reveal the higher frequency
components like cymbals and melody.
2 Generalisation
There is quite a lot of overlap in the required functionality outlined
above. Meanwhile, similar needs were encountered in other software such
as Aube[6][7], a live music sequencer and effects program which needs
the ability to record mix automation and song structure.
Unfortunately much of the existing data manipulation code in Sweep was
tied to user interface callbacks or made assumptions about the user state so
it could not be reused in other applications.
It was apparent that an abstraction layer encompassing the features
required of Sweep and Aube was required, and that it should be designed
to allow generally useful manipulation of audio data.
2.1 Management of sparse, multichannel audio data
The most obvious abstraction was that of a container for multiple
channels of audio data stored sparsely in a collection of memory regions.
With a generic interface to access and manipulate such data, much of the
merging and mixing code throughout Sweep could be centralised.
2.2 Generic caching
The handling of large files, non-destructive editing and editing of
compressed files in Sweep all require the maintenance of memory and
disk file caches. Similarly, the repetition of musical processing in
Aube was a candidate for caching optimisations.
2.3 Parallel and serial processing
Aube implements an audio filter network, allowing the user to create
arbitrary connections between many sound generation and processing
elements. Typically such elements are chained together in series, but
an element can also provide its output to a number of other elements in
parallel. Mixers which read from multiple elements in parallel are also
important in such an environment.
This kind of audio filter network is a popular mechanism for constructing
complex arrangements of effects, however it can be cumbersome to deal
with large networks.
Sweep's layering is a way of implicitly mixing audio data in series, and
can be conceptually extended to the stacking of both data sources and sound
filters in series. A complementary method for processing elements in
parallel would be beneficial.
2.4 Mix automation
The term ``mix automation'' refers to the capability of an audio
processing system to record changes in parameter values and the
interconnection of processing elements over time. This is similar
to the requirement for parameter envelopes in Sweep, and also to the
ability to record the extents of regions over which effects are applied.
2.5 Low processing latency
In order to allow live manipulation in Aube, and to allow instantaneous
previewing of large edits in Sweep, the audio subsystem must not introduce
excessive processing latency; it must provide the ability to independently
process tiny intervals of sound.
3 Axel
The generic audio processing requirements outlined above prompted the
development of a library called Axel. Axel is an audio sequencing and
mixing library that provides a multichannel, sparse audio data container
(streams), a structured mixing abstraction (decks), and widely
useful means of generating control data (via envelopes) and of
caching audio data.
3.1 Streams, channels and chunks
Figure 1:
Inside an Axel stream
The abstraction of multichannel audio data in Axel is known as a stream.
The structure of a stream is shown in Figure 1.
A stream may consist of multiple channels, each of which can consist
of an arbitrary number of sparsely placed chunks of raw audio data.
The channels are named with spatial names such as LEFT, RIGHT and CENTRE
as required for common home, studio and theatre environments.
Generic routines are provided for mixing, multiplying and blending
streams of data.
3.2 Decks, tracks, layers and sounds
The top level structured mixing abstraction in Axel is known as a deck.
A deck contains a number of tracks which are mixed in parallel. Each
track may contain a number of layers which are mixed from bottom
to top in series. Finally, these layers each contain a sequence of
sounds with transparency. This structure is illustrated in
Figure 2.
Figure 2:
Inside an Axel deck
The sequence of sounds in a layer can be indexed by samples, seconds or
Sounds provide audio data from any instrument or effect source, and these
sources can each be reused multiple times. A sound can even source its
audio data from another entire deck, thus decks can be used to sequence
other decks. In this manner effects can be applied to sequences of decks,
and sequences of decks can be stored as higher level units such as
verses and choruses in a music application.
3.3 Envelopes and mix automation
The information describing how a parameter changes over time appears
as a generic data source. In order to create this mix automation information
Axel provides linear and spline envelopes.
However, parameters could alternatively be controlled by other means such
as from a recording of physical slider values, from a sine wave
generator, or from a deck constructed solely to generate interesting
parameter values.
3.4 Processing latency and caching
All sound sources in Axel, including streams, decks and envelopes, implement
a base set of functionality such as for seeking and for processing small
regions of data. The requirement for low processing latency is met by
these semantics, which are optimised for sequential processing but allow
the evaluation of arbitrarily small temporal slices.
Axel also provides a generic caching abstraction which can be applied to
any sound source.
4 Implementation of Sweep using Axel
By rewriting Sweep to use Axel for much of its functionality it would be
possible to implement the core features and to incorporate the newly desired
features elegantly. Each sound file to be edited is assigned a deck with
a single track. That track contains a number of layers, with the original
sound data at the bottom, the user's floating selection and previews of
effects on the top, and the user's layers in between.
4.1 Simple editing
The basic editing functions of cut, copy, paste and splice are handled
by maintaining a separate deck to contain the cut buffer. The complexity
of maintaining and merging a discontinuous selection is handled by Axel's
stream structure.
4.2 Multiple layers with transparency
The desired layering features map directly to Axel's layering model, which
of course comes as no surprise as Sweep's layering greatly influenced
that portion of Axel.
4.3 Floating selections
A floating selection is maintained as the topmost layer. Moving
this selection, even if discontinuous, is reduced to manipulating
the start indices of the sounds in that layer. Mixing the floating selection
back in is a layer mixing operation in Axel.
4.4 Large files and non-destructive editing
An Axel file source can provide its own sound data on demand, thus it is
no longer necessary for Sweep to load an entire file into memory. If a
small section of the file is edited, it is a implemented by adding
the edited region to a layer above the file source with no transparency.
The data seen by the user during the editing
session is directly sourced from the file outside of the edited region, and
from memory or a separate disk cache within the edited region. Thus Axel's
layering and caching can be used to implement non-destructive editing of
large files.
4.5 Editing of compressed files
Compressed files appear to Axel only in their decompressed form. It is
not possible to edit the compressed data fields via Axel, but it is
possible to treat a compressed audio file as though it were uncompressed.
4.6 Parameter envelopes
Using Axel's linear and spline envelopes it is possible to vary effects
parameters over time. The calculation of these envelopes is handled
within Axel.
5 Conclusion
This paper outlined the problems faced by the new features of Sweep, a
generalisation of these problems to a larger class of audio applications,
the implementation of a library (Axel) to address these issues and its
use in implementing new Sweep features.
Axel is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License
- [1]
Conrad Parker.
The sweep sound editor., 2000.
- [2]
Richard W. E. Furse, Paul Davis, and Stefan Westerfeld.
Linux audio developers simple plugin api., 2000.
- [3]
Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis.
The gnu image manipulation program., 1997.
- [4]
ISO, International Organization for Standardization.
International standard 11172-3, Information technology - Coding
of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
about 1,5 MBit/s - Part 3: Audio, 1993.
- [5]
The ogg vorbis codec project., 2000.
- [6]
Conrad Parker.
Aube, 1998.
- [7]
Dave Phillips.
Linux Music and Sound.
No Starch Press, 2000.
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